Heroes to Hometown  -Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is Heroes to Hometown?
A. The Heroes to Hometown program is a transition assistance program for service members who were severely injured in the Global War on Terrorism.

Q. What is meant by severely injured?
A. Severely injured refers to service members who suffered blindness, total hearing loss, an amputation, severe body burns or a spinal cord injury.

Q. How can I help?
A. By forming a Hero Transition Team.

Q. What is a Hero Transition Team?
A. A Hero Transition Team is a community based support team to rally and coordinate assistance for a service member leaving the military and entering civilian life.

Q. How do I find an American Legion post in my community?
A. See our A-Z listing of Post in the Department of Maine.

Q. Can I help if I am not a veteran?
A. Yes. The American Legion is willing to work with anyone for the benefit of our severely injured service members.

Q. Does The American Legion help veterans and service members who are not severely injured?
A. Yes. The American Legion is an advocate for all veterans. Please contact your Department Service Officer for assistance with non-severely injured veterans.

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