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Click the above image to download a copy of THE LEADERSHIP LEDGER |
NEW! Maine Legion Challenge Coin & Lobster Lapel Pin!
Click the Order Form Above & Place Your Order Today!
The coins and pins are $10 each plus $5 shipping/handling. Coins and pins are also available for FREE PICKUP at Department HQ. For more information, please call Department HQ at 207-873-3229.
The Directory is now password protected. Please call 207-873-3229 or email
Department HQ
for the password.
February 2025 Issue (Digital Version)
February 2025 Issue (PDF Version)
Click here for TML Archives
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Lots of New Information Including Hyperlinked Business Ads to Websites, Photos, Legion Programs & More!
Promote your Business with Maine American Legion and Help Support Veterans in the State of Maine!
Deadline for Submission is May 9, 2025
Please see below information on how to sponsor ad space or make a donation.
Convention Yearbook Sponsorship Request Form - Fillable
To submit your sponsorship display ad and payment, click the above image of the
Maine American Legion Convention Yearbook Sponsorship Request Form.
A fillable form is also available for printing by clicking on the
Convention Yearbook Sponsorship Request Form - Fillable
. Please call
Ext. 2 for more information.
No time to create an ad! We also welcome individual and business donations!
Please consider donating today to make a difference in support of our Maine Veterans by clicking on the CONVENTION YEARBOOK DONATIONS WELCOMED button below. Make sure to click on "Donate with a Debit or Credit Card" which is located under Donate by PayPal.
***All contributions will be listed in our Annual State Convention Yearbook which will be made available online at www.mainelegion.org.***
Donations may also be made by check payable to The American Legion, Department of Maine, earmarked “Yearbook Program”. Mail to: The American Legion, Department of Maine, 5 Verti Drive, Winslow, ME. 04901-0727.
MyLegion.org Training Videos, Resources, and more
MyLegion.org Step-By-Step Instructions for Account
Registration, Membership Processing,
Group Permissions & More!
MyLegion Video Training Series
A Complete Overview of MyLegion.org (PDF format)
Note: The last Tuesday of each month American Legion National Headquarters staff will present 60 to 90-minute sessions on topics aimed at post commanders and adjutants. Each session will be recorded and made available for later viewing. Please visit
Training Tuesdays
for the next scheduled training session.
James A. LaCoursiere, Jr.
James A. LaCoursiere, Jr. (La coursey air) was elected national commander of the nation’s largest veterans organization on August 29, 2024, in New Orleans, during The American Legion 105th national convention.
An Air Force veteran, LaCoursiere has been a longtime field representative for The American Legion Department of Connecticut’s Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines Fund, which assists veterans and their families.
As national commander, LaCoursiere is strongly committed to raising awareness for The American Legion’s “Be the One” efforts to prevent veteran suicide.
National Commander LaCoursiere's Incentive Program
National Commander LaCoursiere's 100% American Legion Family Ribbon Program
National Commander LaCoursiere's 103 Percent Membership Incentive Program
To learn more about National Commander LaCoursiere, Jr. click here or visit www.legion.org .
The American Legion Department of Maine Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) charity organization
click here
or the FOUNDATION tab above to learn more.
Centennial Coins can be purchased online, or by calling the Department directly at
. The coins are $10 each plus $5 shipping/handing. Coins are also available for free pick up at Department for $10 each. To purchase your coin, click on the Buy Maine Centennial Coin button below.
Click here for Department of Maine Posts
Click here for District Meeting Dates
USAA is proud to be the Preferred Provider of Insurance and Financial Services to The American Legion. Please visit usaa.com/legion or call
Click here
and fill out the attached form.
Legionnaire Benefits Flyer
Annual Electronic Filing Requirement for Small Exempt Organizations -- Form 990-N (e-Postcard)
Small tax-exempt organizations whose annual gross receipts are normally $25,000 or less may (will for The American Legion) be required to electronically submit Form 990-N, also known as the
, unless they choose to file a complete Form 990 or Form 990-EZ.
If you do not file your e-Postcard on time, the IRS will send you a reminder notice but you will not be assessed a penalty for late filing the e-Postcard. However, an organization that fails to file required e-Postcards (or information returns - Forms 990 or 990-EZ) for three consecutive years will automatically lose its tax-exempt status. The revocation of the organization's tax-exempt status will not take place until the filing due date of the third year.
This filing requirement will be mandatory for all American Legion posts and units previously exempted because they did not meet the minimum income level of 25,000 to file a 990 or 990-EZ.
Due Date of the e-Postcard:
The e-Postcard is due every year by the 15th day of the 5th month after the close of your tax year. For example, if your tax year ended on December 31, the e-Postcard is due May 15 of the following year. You cannot file the e-Postcard until after your tax year ends.
Military Discharge Requests
If you are a veteran whose home of record at time of entry into the service was the State of Maine then a copy of your DD-214 (or equivalent) may be on file at the Bureau of Veteran's Services.
Please click on the Application Request for Military Discharge link below if you are requesting a discharge from the State of Maine and mail application to the Bureau of Veteran's Services for processing. For more information, please visit
Application Request for Military Discharge
The National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) has provided the following website for veterans to gain access to their DD-214s online:
This may be particularly helpful when a veteran needs a copy of his DD-214 for employment purposes. NPRC is working to make it easier for veterans with computers and Internet access to obtain copies of documents from their military files.
Military veterans and the next of kin of deceased former military members may now use a new online military personnel records system to request documents.
Other individuals with a need for documents must still complete the Standard form 180, which can be downloaded from the online web site. Because the requester will be asked to supply all information essential for NPRC to process the request, delays that normally occur when NPRC has to ask veterans for additional information will be minimized. The new web-based application was designed to provide better service on these requests by eliminating the records centers mailroom and processing time.
Please pass this information on to former military personnel you may know and their dependents.