HEROES TO HOMETOWNS Heroestohometown.jpg

As the war on terrorism continues, more young American military men and women are coming home bearing the scars of battle. Many continue to recover physically and emotionally from severe injuries including loss of limbs, mobility, and psychological trauma.

The American Legion and the Department of Defense have teamed up to provide these outstanding and dedicated Americans all the help they need to re-establish their lives when they come home.

It is a pillar of The American Legion- "to consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness".

If your post has agreed to participate in the Heroes to Hometown program because a comrade is coming home to your community, download this guide and visit the National Heroes2Hometowns website. These resources will provide you with information you need to ensure that the servicemember and their family will get full assistance for a successful transition back to civilian life.

Also see our Heroes2 Hometowns FAQ for answers to frequently asked questions.

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